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Helpful Tips For Working With Our Emotional Energy

Updated: Jan 6, 2023

There is no doubt that our emotions can carry a lot of energy behind them but we don't always recognize how big emotions can effect every molecule in our bodies. The energy from emotions will contract and become tight or dense, like when we feel anger or fear. It can also expand and feel energizing, like when we feel joy or love. Once you are able to acknowledge how you feel and why you feel it, you are able to release the negative feelings that can be blocking you from real, long lasting happiness. #energy#energyiseverywhere#energyiseverything#love#reiki#reikihealing#reikimaster#emotionalhealth#letitgo#releaseandletgo#release#findjoyinsideofyou#findjoy#Happiness#alignement#balancedlife

Emotions are a form of energy that is constantly changing and moving. Emotions are not static states, but rather dynamic processes that involve the body, mind, and behavior. They can be fueled by energy and drive us to take action, whether that be through the expressions we make, the words we speak, or the choices we make.

Why Does The Energy of Our Emotions Matter?

The idea that emotions are energy in motion can be a helpful way to understand and work with our emotions, as it reminds us that they are not fixed or stagnant, but rather something that can be channeled and managed in healthy and productive ways.

This means that our emotional states are continually evolving and shifting in response to our thoughts, experiences, and environment. Things To Consider When Dealing With Our Emotions As Energy In Motion:
  • Emotions involve the body: When we feel an emotion, our body responds in various ways. For example, when we are angry, our heart rate may increase, our face may flush, and our fists may clench. These physical responses are driven by changes in hormones and other chemicals in the body, which can be seen as a form of energy in motion.

  • Emotions influence our thoughts, beliefs and behaviors: Emotions can also impact our thoughts and behaviors. For instance, when we are feeling happy, we may be more likely to engage in activities that bring us joy, while when we are feeling anxious, we may avoid situations that make us feel uncomfortable. These thoughts and behaviors can be seen as a way that emotions are expressed and manifested in the world. And if we have a negative belief about ourselves, we may be more prone to negative emotional states such as shame or self-doubt. On the other hand, if we have a positive belief about ourselves, we may be more likely to experience positive emotional states such as confidence and joy.

  • Emotions are often triggered by events or stimuli in our environment, such as a beautiful sunset or a confrontation with a loved one. These triggers can activate a complex set of physiological and cognitive changes that give rise to an emotional response.

  • Emotions are constantly changing: Emotions are not static states, but rather something that can shift and change in response to different stimuli. For example, we may feel happy one moment and then feel sad the next. This constant change can be thought of as a form of energy in motion, as our emotions are constantly adapting and evolving in response to the world around us.

  • The intensity and duration of an emotional response can vary greatly, depending on a range of factors such as the individual's personality, coping strategies, and past experiences. Some people may have more intense emotional responses to stimuli, while others may be more even-keeled.

  • Emotions are also thought to have a powerful influence on our behavior and decision-making. They can drive us to take action and make choices that are aligned with our values and goals, or they can lead us astray and cause us to act impulsively or irrationally.

  • Emotions can be contagious and can spread through social networks and communities. For example, if one person in a group is feeling anxious, it can cause others in the group to feel anxious as well. This is because emotions often involve nonverbal cues such as facial expressions, body language, and vocal tone, which can be interpreted and mirrored by others.

  • Emotions can be managed and channeled: While emotions can sometimes feel overwhelming or out of control, it is possible to manage and channel our emotions in healthy and productive ways. This might involve using techniques like mindfulness, self-care, or therapeutic approaches to better understand and work with our emotions. By doing so, we can harness the energy of our emotions and use it to fuel positive change and growth.

Emotions are a complex and multifaceted aspect of our experience. They are often described as subjective feelings that are accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes. Emotions can range from intense and powerful, like love or anger, to more subtle and nuanced, like contentment or curiosity.

Some people find it helpful to use various techniques to manage their emotions, such as:

  • mindfulness meditation,

  • journaling,

  • or talking to a trusted friend or therapist.

These techniques can help individuals become more aware of their emotions so that they can:

  • understand the triggers and patterns of their emotional responses,

  • and develop coping strategies to manage their emotions in a healthy way.

By understanding that emotions are energy in motion, we can learn to harness this energy in positive ways and use it to drive us towards our desired outcomes.

Overall, the concept of emotions as energy in motion can be a helpful way to think about and work with our emotions, as it reminds us that they are not fixed or stagnant, but rather are constantly changing and can be channeled and managed in healthy and productive ways.



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